Thursday, July 31, 2003

While I love my wife, the lovely and talented Jamie, I could have written a book on this. Thanks, science.
Today I am mad at my job. I would not go so far as to say I am sick of it, but stupid things keep happening, and I am going to have to sort them out. It's days like today I wish I had a job where all I had to do was dig a hole or something. Without going into it, I essentially messed up the TPS reports and am paying dearly.

Wednesday, July 30, 2003

BTW, I posted over at Jim D's site today, if anyone is curious.
If you've ever lived in Austin, this is just good comedy.

Tuesday, July 29, 2003

Before I forget, congrats to on a full year of rocking the Continental United States.

I think we're on to you.
oh, for the love of God....
Dude... WHAT THE FUCK!!!?????

Monday, July 28, 2003

why I love television

actual quote from someone involved with the show: "Eric always brings enough passion as a producer that when he got excited about a 300-pound tumor, I got excited about a 300-pound tumor."
When we moved out to Arizona from the Great State of Texas, many of the transactions I was attempting to fulfill were meeting with some static. In our digital age, I found the confusion on the part of bankers somewhat odd. They both insisted we could keep our account listed as a Texas account and simultaneously gave me grief over the fact that we did not have our accounts in Arizona. So, choosing the path of least resistance, I opened an Arizona account, leaving the Texas account to wither and die.
Back in April we had a SNAFU with the Texas account, and without getting into too much detail, I'll say we closed the Texas account.
So about three weeks ago I tried paying my credit card bill online. I'm not a technophobe, but I am lazy. Well, apparently the Texas account was still the account I had listed with AT&T Universal Card (a provider I have used faithfully since college). As I mentioned, I am lazy, and not particularly detail oriented, and did not notice the lack of currency in the account number listed as our bank account.
This morning, on our walkies, I picked up the mail and was surprised to find a letter from AT&T Universal Card stating that my online payment had been rejected. Well, I think I deduced what the problem was... the credit card was associated in their database with our old account from Texas, which was gonzo.
So I went online to amend the situation. I put in new info., I even changed my alert status which was supposed to be e-mailed to me, and did several other things. It accepted all the new info., but then, after acknowledging the new account info., refused to accept the new account's payment. I called AT&T Universal Card.
"So I tried to pay my bill online, and you guys took 3 weeks to send me a notice saying it didn't go through."
"Yes sir."
"But you had my e-mail address and phone number, and even the mail isn't that slow."
"I don't know why it took so long, sir."
"Well, I'm getting a red error message when I try to pay using my new account info that I entered."
"Your account is frozen for 30 days. You can't pay online until we reconcile the new information."
"But the website already verified the account."
"We can't accept payment online. Your account is frozen for 30 days."
"Oh... Well..."
"We can accept payment on the phone."
"Okay. Great! I have my checkbook-"
"No, wait, we can't do that, either."
"Since your last payment didn't clear, we can't take any payment that way. For 30 days."
"You said-- The account has money in it. I'm looking at my statement right here."
"You're going to have to mail it in. When is it due?"
"In two days. On the 30th. It's not going to make it."
"No. No, it's not. Let me see if I can extend your payment deadline...."
"That would be good."
"Five days."
"Okay. I still don't know if it will make it. You know, by the time someone opens it and all..."
"Five days, sir. And, I noticed something else on your account. Do you want to consolidate your loans--?"
"No. I have no loans."
"We're also offering cash advances--"
It was at this point I desperately wanted to ask her to advance my account the cash so Peter may pay Paul, but I thought better of it and politely declined.
I did manage to drum up an envelope and stamps, and sent my check off to an address from the web-site, which, I have honestly never seen before.
Road to the Pearly Gates....

Thursday, July 24, 2003

According to my Sitemeter readings, it appears that The League of Melbotis is THE hotspot if you're looking for nude photos of Ann Coulter. I fear to even mention this, because it means I am probably propogating the problem. But I think if you check, unique ID by unique ID, you'll see that more folks are looking for Ann Coulter nude than are not.

In honor of nude Ann Coulter, I hereby present a fully-clothed Don King.

I'm kind of living over at Jim's site for a while until he can get squared away and get up and running in Beaumont. Pop on in and take a gander.

Wednesday, July 23, 2003

Hey, kids,

Your Uncle Ryan is feeling a little bad that he may have freaked some people out with this morning's post.

It is true that I do not really like living in Arizona, but I think what I realized is that it's time I draw out a game plan for taking back control of my own destiny. I have several grievances with myself which, mayhaps, I should not have aired online, but the idea is that I am working to address those grievances.

So do not worry (thanks for the support, Leaguers!), I am just trying to figure out how to get out of the blasted heat of Southern Arizona.
After hearing about it all last year, Jamie and I rented Old School from our local retailer. Despite the talent in the movie, I didn't really think it was very funny. Or well written. Or clever. Or even particularly well edited. In fact, it seemed like one of the laziest jobs ever put onto film, but I imagine they knew they weren't exactly putting together Citizen Kane, or even Thomas the Tank Engine.

But the movie did remind me of how cosmically boring my life has become since I moved out to Arizona. The movie hints that marriage is what dooms you, and maybe that's so for many folks, but I think I can point more to our poorly planned move to Arizona. Granted, before we moved, I had lived in Austin for somewhere in the neighborhood of 16 of my 27 years, so a change of pace was welcome. But when "Frank the Tank" begins describing what he plans to do with his weekend (go to Home Depot, etc...), it struck a little too close to home to be funny.

I used to be a fun guy. I'm not necessarily equating my college boozing with fun (although it was), but I think I had even more fun once College was over, I was working a McJob and Jamie and I were cohabitating (so i have a hard time pointing to marriage. cohabitation as the source of the spectre). I was having a pretty good time right up until the time we got to the Valley of the Sun.

It's true that I am to blame for my boredom. I no longer really have the will to seek out art or festivals or even really to go to the movies (people talk here at the movies like it's the only safe place to have a conversation). I certainly never really "go out" on the weekends. 1) there's nowhere to "go out" to in Chandler except a bar AT THE MALL, and Scottsdale is pretty far away from my house. I leave it to your imagination to figure out all the permutations of drinking and driving which become problematic. 2) The only people I know are from work, and I am their boss, so going out and becoming buddies with them is problematic should I need to get serious with them in the office. 3) The greater Phoenix music/ art/ anything of interest scene is completely off my radar. I don't even know where things are, or when they are happening. 4) what I do know about is either insanely expensive or an hour+ away. Even tickets to go see the Diamondbacks are $45 for crappy seats, and I don't even like baseball. 5) whenever you ask what there is to do out here, everyone tells you to go to Sedona. You know what? Fuck Sedona. I refuse to go there on the basis that everyone tells me to go there, and if these people were so smart, they wouldn't be living in this boring desert. 6) I don't play golf. Nor do I want to play golf. I want to play golf the way other people want to spend their lives reading comic books. It just ain't going to happen, but with 400+ golf courses in the greater Phoenix area, you are expected to LEARN to like golf. No. I will not.

But the biggest problem I have is COMPLACENCY. I've let myself get stuck in an idiotic rut. Instead of trying to find something to do here, which would only be a band-aid on the problem, my goal is now to move somewhere else than Chandler, AZ. The highlight of my weekend does not need to be trips to Target and the grocery store. I don't need to spend all day stressing because I know it will be very hot out on Sunday when I have to scoop the dog crap and mow the yard. Quite honestly, I'm going a little batshit. If anyone knows of any work in a major metropolitan area, let me know.

Tuesday, July 22, 2003

they say apples are nature's toothbrush. And you know what? It's true.
I have a new hero.

Look out, RHPT...

It appears all of us working in the tech sector may soon be in for a replacement. Unfortunately, I've seen how this plays out, and it ain't pretty...


The Batman fanfilm which caused such a ruckus at the San Diego ComicCon can be found here. People have apparently been going batty over the thing. Batty... ha ha ha... ahhhhhh, me....


Well, I watched the Batman thing (it's a Quicktime download). The video looks really nice, and if you're an Alex Ross fan, Batman and Joker actually look really, really cool. The dialog is really terrible, and the "twists" they add in are... I don't know what they are...

Honestly, I don't know what this is. It reminds me of something I would have dreamt up in 8th grade, but I assume adults are behind it. Anyway, give it a shot, but don't break your arm trying to download the thing.