Tuesday, December 09, 2003

It's time to mark One's Calendar, as SuperheroHype! Reports.

December 15th marks the 25th anniversary of the theatrical release of the Richard Donner directed Superman film starring Gene Hackman and Christopher Reeve.

I can honestly say that two of my three earliest memories deal with seeing movies. The first memory is of seeing Star Wars and being totally terrified of the Tusken Raiders (a fear that Shmi Skywalker should have shared...). The second was of seeing Superman in the theater with The Old Man. I got a gumball machine for free for some reason at the theater and I remember being terrified when Lois Lane dropped in the big hole. The third memory is falling down a stairwell at the apartments we lived in but not telling anybody because I thought I'd get in trouble.

At any rate, Superman holds up pretty well even in the uber-ridiculous movie-going era we now live in. Krypton still holds no small amount of wonder in my mind, just as Glenn Ford's portrayal of Jonathan Kent is absolutely perfect.

And if you want to know why I love Superman. I mean, really, really love Superman... It's not just the exchange between Superman and the pimp when Superman first emerges, nor is it the look of wonder the crowd has as Superman flies into the air... nah, it's not that. Watch the entire helicopter rescue sequence, including the conversation between Lois and Superman after he's saved the day. Right after Superman is done talking to Lois, he kind of looks away, and he has this look on his face letting you know how great saving the day really is. That's what I love about Superman.

So go out there and find a copy of this movie. I can't recommend the DVD with all the extras nearly enough. It's all cleaned up and pretty, and they added in a few more extra shots to let you know how cool Superman can be as he's coming to take out Luthor. THe bonus materials will rock your socks off.

Oh boy, Jamie is never going to let me watch this movie again...

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