Friday, December 12, 2003

Jamie is curiously interested in the original run of Battlestar Galactica.

Last night we finished watching the two hour pilot (which I am a bit sad not to have enjoyed more than I did), and Jamie said, "well, what happens next?"
"They kind of fly through space."
"On adventures."
"So do you want to watch another one?"
"We have six two-sided discs of this stuff to get through."
"And then they find earth?"
"No. We'd have to find the TV movie they made called Battlestar Galactica 1984 or something."
"Show got cancelled. So they never made it to earth."
Which I think Jamie found profoundly disturbing. TV viewers didn't care enough about whether or not the voyagers of Battlestar Galactica made it to earth, and so, in a way, the characters were left to kind of float around in space.
"But they made it there in the TV movie," I assured her. "But I don't think it's out on DVD yet."
"So what the hell do they do in between?"
"Have adventures," I concluded. "And stuff."
You never really know what the hell is going to turn Jamie's crank, which makes it difficult to anticpate what she's going to like or dislike. She'll watch Battlestar Galactica reruns on DVD, and then turn around and watch The OC, and follow it up with an half hour of Headline News. Either wide interests or a complete lack of any interests, I guess.

On a completely unrelated topic, Jim, who has been SERIOUSLY busy blogging of late, took some time out to point to The League and post an entry to our little Holiday Contest, for which I am eternally grateful. While you're there, check out his comments on recent Supreme Court Decisions and other legal brou-ha-ha.

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