Monday, August 04, 2008

Contest for NBC's "Heroes"

Hey, Leaguers!

I've watched some "Heroes", but I know Jamie has watched the whole series (to this point). And I know a bunch of you guys are nuts for The Heroes television program.

I was contacted by BJ at M80 marketing, and I thought this was actually pretty cool.

Apparently, there's a contest going on, sponsored by Sprint. Here's some language:

In November 2007, Sprint & the NBC television show Heroes partnered on the “Create Your Hero” contest, putting viewers in control of creating the next Hero from scratch. Over 4 weeks, viewers were able to choose the specific attributes that make up a “Hero” (with a unique question each week exclusive for Sprint users only).

As the third season of “Heroes” approaches, Sprint & the creators of the show compiled all the attributes based on America’s answers, creating two new potential “Heroes.” Now it is time to vote! Will it be Audrey, or will it be Santiago? The winning character will appear as the subject of a brand new Live Action web series written by the creators of Heroes, debuting around the November sweeps week.

As part of our partnership with Heroes, “Create Your Hero” will be live at the NBC booth at Comi-con promoting the voting for phase II of “Create Your Hero” with giveaways and exclusive comic books with an illustration by the late Michael Turner.

Here's a link to vote: LINK

And here's some info on that Michael Turner comic:

Heroes the comic book, illustrated by the late Michael Turner is an exclusive comic for the 2008 San Diego Comic Con. The comic includes 4 stories that reveal more about the Heroes Universe. The stories focus on the back stories of Mohinder Suresh, Echo De Mille (the main character of the new Heroes webisode series), and Adam Monroe (Takezo Kensei).

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