Wagner is in town, but she's headed for the Flugtag (sp?). I was not terribly tempted to show up. Anything before the 1st week in September is always dicey as per heat index.
In the meantime, here's some stuff.
The Top 10 Poor Man's Versions
Goth's Invade Disneyland.
From the "Bats Day at Disneyland" slideshow at LA Weekly: When the Happiest Place on Earth plays host to the saddest people on Earth and the line for the Haunted Mansion is longer than ever
I'm ditching MySpace as soon as I can bother to find a way to alert folks. I'm moving to Facebook. Hopefully I'll get less spam and fewer ads featuring girls giving me a come-hither glance.
Eric Trautmann, the co-writer on last week's issue of Checkmate, showed up to in the comments section at Comic Fodder and was incredibly gracious. Of course, I heart Checkmate, so it was a lot nicer than had many other writers shown up.
You should read Checkmate, btw. And Blue Beetle.
Josh sends along this:
Nothing better than Finn-language YMCA. Some Leaguers may know, the Steans boys are of 1/2 Finn stock. Watching this video, so much becomes clear.
And the following video is exactly like dinner time at JimD's house.
How do you get all these celebrities to show up on your blogs?
Let me tell you: that is so me.
That video is going to give me irrepressible nightmares for years.
Anonymous, it's because I kick so much ass. Also people like to Google Search themselves.
Great, now my daugter is addicted to this show. And, I think, so am I.
Why was #1 not the glaring fact that Cracked is the poor man's Mad?
Indeed. As a kid, I used to wonder why the issues of Mad with the Sylvester P. Smythe janitorial character featured on the cover were different from the ones with Alfred E. Newman prominently displayed.
I still remember being in the car on vacation around 2nd grade and realizing that (a) they were not the same magazine, and (b) Cracked seemed to be the imitator.
However, I wasn't too discerning and continued to buy both, even though Cracked didn't have "Spy v. Spy".
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