Thursday, February 14, 2008

Indy IV

enjoy it while its up on YouTube!


J.S. said...

I think it looks fun! I hope people can just relax and enjoy this flick for what these movies were always meant to be- action/adventure popcorn serials that are meant to provide some entertainment on a Saturday afternoon.

mcsteans said...

Indeee!! I can't wait :)

The League said...

I was skeptical, but I think I'm now remembering how much I dig those movies.

Indy FIlm Fest at League HQ, coming soon.

Anonymous said...

Harrison Ford just kicks ass. It makes you wonder who will fill the shoes of guys like him and Tom Hanks. Matt Damon is not on the same level, McConnaughey seems destined to do Romantic Comedies the rest of his life, who will it be ?
Who has that level of cool combined with masculinity, combined with resolve, and brains, and that edge you can't quite put into words ? Who...?

Dug said...

I'm especially excited for this as we just watched Raiders: The Adaptation this week. Bring it...

Anonymous said...

Wow, the warehouse from Raiders! So THAT's where they're keeping the Roswell bodies, according to the trailer...

The League said...

Sadly, it might have been Heath Ledger, Peabo. That said, I'm a fan of Matt Damon after the 3 Bourne movies. But as for an Indy/ Han Solo sort of charisma? I'm not sure.


That said, I have to follow up on Jamie's query to me last night: is it safe to assume you meant to refer to Tom Hanks as a great actor, and not as an action hero leading man? Because aside from his role as Pep Streebeck, I'm at a bit of a loss.

Anonymous said...

I really just meant great actors that you love to watch. Although don't forget Hanks performance in Saving Private Ryan and Castaway. He can do action. Albeit Castaway wasn't explosions and car chases, Hanks has some versatility.

Although I liked Ledger, he was missing that quality that Ford and Hanks have. I don't know exactly how to say it. A sort of maturity, if you will. Wise and cunning.

I guess Russel Crowe has filled the void somewhat.

Christian Bale still seems like a pretty mediocre actor I am afraid. He seems the exact same in every movie. It's like he has 1 or 2 facial expressions and that's it.

Perhaps it's time I dust off my acting Resume and head to Hollywood. After all I'm one for one in lead role parts auditioned for and obtained. I can use you as a reference, right Rackham ?

D said...

Yay! More Indy please!

The League said...

Whoa, whoa... I highly recommend checking out Bale's resume before declaring the man mediocre.

As I've mentioned here before, I think I'd never actually seen any of Ledger's movies, but at 18, he was on a much better career trajectory than you would have gotten out of either Ford or Hanks at the same point in their careers.

I would also not classify either Saving Private Ryan or Castaway as action movies in the vein of Air Force One, etc... Both may have contained action, but...

We'll mostly just have to wait to see what each summer's crop of action movies brings to the big screen. Lately it seems we've either had some roid freak like Vin Diesel or someone like Toby MacGuire.