Sunday, September 28, 2008

Some Stuff for your Monday Amusement

I want to dance with somebody..!

Nathan noted to me that American Psycho is becoming a stage musical. If only THIS were the play they were doing in "High School Musical 3", I might go see the movie.

I kind of wish they'd quit trying to make everything a @#$%ing Broadway Musical. I am sure Brett Easton Ellis is equal parts horrified and delighted with the absurd idea of bringing the book to stage. Plus, you know, the sack of money they're giving him for a book he wrote when I was still in high school is probably easing the pain.

I'm sure the box office success of Sweeney Todd had some part in this show getting funding. But... I don't see this being a big sell to the tourists if they stay true to the book. (Hope they put the Bono scene back in, though...)

The Mighty Marvel Manner

Randy and Simon each sent me this strip. Not everyone is going to get it, but I assure you, its funny.

Cat Fancy

Stole this from Lauren's Blog.

An Engineer's Guide to Cats

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