Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Taking the night off

I'm not sure what's up with my comments. They don't seem to be working on last night's Looney Tunes-centric post.

Apparently Mary Ann was busted for weed. Little Bruce Wayne is out of print. Chronological Snobbery never updates. Or CBGblog. At least Jilly published.

Also... I'm more than a week behind on comics, Lucy has gas, and I want to check out these pictures of Spitzer's hooker ($4000? Seriously? It seems getting a mistress would be more frugal and more legal).

Ya'll discuss amongst yourselves.


J.S. said...

Well, in Spitzer's defense, that hooker seemed to be quite a fetching young lass. I'm not sure she was $4,000 hot, but an attractive young woman, nonetheless.

mcsteans said...

Would that be your defense if you were representing him? "Your honor, she was a fetching young lass." ;)

J.S. said...

No, no, no. Clearly you'd be looking at mounting some sort of "irresistible impulse" insanity defense...